Signs your car battery is about to die

Your car battery is responsible for powering your car's computer, ignition system, lights, radio and more, so it's important to monitor its condition to avoid getting caught out.

A recent study showed that more than 1 in 10 car batteries need replacing. Problems can happen almost without warning, however, there are a few key signs to look out for when checking if a car battery is dead.

Difficulty starting the car

Your car requires a huge surge of energy to start the engine. With a failing battery, you'll notice that the engine cranks more slowly than usual, and the car takes longer to start. You'll often only get one or two warning signs of this nature before the battery completely dies, so don't ignore it. If, when turning the key, you hear a clicking sound, there is not enough power to crank the engine at all. If this is the case you'll need to jump start your battery and get a new battery fitted as soon as possible.

Low/loss of power to electrics

Your car's battery not only starts your engine - it also powers the various electronics inside your vehicle such as electric windows, lights, heaters and seats. A loss of electrical power is typically more noticeable in colder months when these systems are running more than normal.

Dashboard warning symbol

An illuminated battery symbol could be down to a loose starter terminal, a failing alternator or even damaged cabling. If the light stays on while driving, there's likely a problem with your alternator belt (responsible for charging your battery while on the move). This shouldn't be overlooked - a faulty charging system could leave you stranded.

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