How to keep a car battery warm in winter

Winter can be hard on our car batteries and if you've ever faced a stuttering engine on a frosty morning then you won't be alone.

Cold temperatures have an adverse effect on the chemical process within batteries that produces and stores electricity, slowing the battery down and reducing its capacity to hold a charge. That lack of charge is what you experience when you try to get the engine started.

So, what can you do to prevent this and keep your car battery warm and charged in winter?

Go for regular drives

Your engine warms your battery as you drive, so driving regularly can help to keep the cold at bay – and charge your battery at the same time. Just remember to make the journeys a decent length because it can take at least 30 minutes of driving to charge a battery, depending on the vehicle and battery age.

Park in a garage

If you have access to a garage, then parking inside is an easy way of keeping your car (and battery) out of the very worst of the cold and wind chill. Even if you don't have a garage, just parking so that the front of your car is out of the wind can help to reduce its effects. A parking area that receives a lot of direct sunlight will also give your battery a little warming boost.

Take a moment before you turn on the electronics

The electronics and other features in your car like the radio, heaters and alarm system all require a charge from your battery. Switching them all on the minute you start your car puts an added strain on your battery so it can be a good idea to get your engine turning over before pressing those buttons (and making sure they're turned off again before you leave your car).

Monitor and charge your battery

Keeping an eye on the level of charge in your battery and topping it up when needed is a surefire way to keep your car moving during the winter months, as fully charged batteries are much less susceptible to freezing.

Here at Halfords, we've got a range of battery chargers that you can use to ensure that your battery stays warm and responsive. We've also got a Car Battery Chargers Buyer's Guide to help you narrow down the options and find the right charger for you.

Shop battery chargers

Get your battery checked by a professional

If you do find that your car's struggling to start in the cold, then we're here to help. You can pop down to your local garage for a Free Battery Health Check or we can come to you at home or work with our convenient mobile fitting service.

Our mobile technicians can carry out battery diagnostics and battery replacements, as well as a range of other services, while you remain in the comfort of your own home or workplace. Simply book an appointment online and choose a date that suits you.

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