Different types of strollers

You’ve probably come across the terms stroller, pushchair, pram and buggy and wondered what the difference is. It can be a difficult one to define because there are a lot of crossovers between the areas (and some of the terms are used interchangeably), but here’s our basic guide to what each one means.


Prams tend to be designed for newborns or younger babies up to six months old.

They're the most traditional style of baby carrier and are often parent-facing, with the child either lying flat or in a carrycot.

Strollers and pushchairs

Strollers and pushchairs are more likely to be geared toward older babies and toddlers (though there are some that are also suitable from birth).

Travel systems

Travel systems are prams and strollers that include detachable child car seats, which makes them a great option if you don't want to wake a sleeping child

Doubles and triples

Also called duos, twins and triplets, these strollers are designed for two or more children. Some styles can be converted from a single seat to a double, while others have two seats side-by-side (twin) or one behind the other (tandem)

Jogging strollers

As the name suggests, jogging strollers are specifically designed to all you to run or jog while pushing them. They normally have a fixed wheel, strong suspension and the ability to handle rough ground with ease.

Shop strollers, pushchairs and prams

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