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  • Find the correct replacement mirror glass for your vehicle We offer a handy way of finding the correct replacement mirror glass for your vehicle. Please click here and enter your car registration number and we'll find it for you.     
  • How long do brake discs last? You should have your brake discs checked every year or every 10,000 miles, but they will usually need replacing after 30,000 to 50,000 miles on average, although this will vary depending on factors such as the age of your car, the quality of the discs, and your driving habits. Whenever you replace your…
  • How long do brake pads last? You should have your brake pads checked every year or every 10,000 miles, but they will usually need replacing after 20,000 to 40,000 miles on average. However, this will depend on the quality of your brake pads, your driving habits, and the condition of your other braking components like the brake rotors…
  • What is a timing belt and when should you get it replaced? A timing belt, or cambelt, keeps essential components of your car engine (the camshaft and crankshaft) working in sync. The reason the timing belt is so crucial is that any slight disruption to the synchronicity of these components can be disastrous for your car engine. Your engine’s camshaft…
  • What are spark plugs and how do I know when they need replacing? Spark plugs are used in car petrol engines to ignite the fuel-air mix in the cylinders. Over time, they will wear out and must be replaced. Misfiring or problems starting the engine can indicate a problem with your car spark plugs, as well as slow acceleration and high fuel consumption. The right spark…
  • What does each car filter do? Did you know that your car uses several filters to keep external dirt, grime and water from entering vital systems? Filters are vital bits of kit which keep everything working as it should, so damaged or blocked filters can become a big problem. Over time, filters will naturally degrade and potentially…
  • How do I know if my car filters need changing? Usually, all filters need to be changed every 12,000 miles, or roughly once a year, and keeping to this schedule will ensure your car doesn’t become damaged when a filter becomes ineffective. However, always check your car owner’s manual, as some filters may last a little longer or need replacing…
  • How to keep your filters in good condition? The easiest way to ensure your filters remain in good shape is to ensure you have an annual and interim service each year. Having your car checked by a trained mechanic every six months means that you’ll benefit not just from running repairs, but also planned, preventative maintenance…